Our Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Oasis Psychological Services, we take your privacy very seriously so that you feel that your information is protected.

On this page you will find information regarding the reasons why we collect data, how we collect, use, store it and what you can do if you wish to request a copy of your personal information, make a complaint, or delete your personal information.

We fully comply with the current General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016, 2018) guidelines, and we are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

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If you would like to avail of any of our specialist psychological or psychiatric assessments and/or therapies, please get in touch today. We will get back to you shortly to assist

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Why we collect information about you

As a Psychological and Psychiatric Service, we need to understand the difficulties you are experiencing and plan therapeutic treatments to support your recovery. Therefore, we collect both demographic data about you (your name, date of birth, address) and more sensitive data about your psychological difficulties.

We only use your personal information to try and provide you with the best possible care. We use your personal information as part of the therapy records, we keep.  These may either be written notes, or held electronically. We are always happy to share them at the end of each session, if you wish so.

We may also sometimes use your personal information to contact you regarding feedback about the service you received. This information may be used internally, to help us improve the quality of the services we provide.

We may also request that we anonymise your feedback and use it as a 'testimonial', which would feature on our website. We would only ever do this with your permission, and you can always change your mind later, and request that we remove any feedback you provide from our website.

We will never sell or lease your personal information to any 'third parties' (such as other companies, or marketing agencies). We may share your personal information with your GP (or your child's GP), or other medical or social care professionals. We would always request your permission to do this first. The only scenario in which we would share this information without your consent is if we are required to by law.

How we collect personal data

Personal data is provided to us in a number of ways, including:

- Any information you provide through our website contact forms;

- Any information you provide via email

- Any information discussed face-to-face, in session, via Zoom (online sessions), or over the phone.

- Any information provided to us by a referrer or another professional, whom you have given written consent for us to contact (if applicable). We will only contact other services/professionals (school, social services, GPs) if you are happy and have signed the Oasis Psychological Services consent form. You can amend this at any time.

What personal information do we collect?

- You full name (and, if relevant, that of your child)

- Your email and postal address

- Your date of birth (or that of your child)

- The name of your child's school and teacher/s (only if we have your consent to contact them, and it is part of the therapy work)

- Information about your healthcare insurance (so we can arrange payment)

We will never pass this information to anyone else unless we ask your permission first.

How do we store your personal information?

The personal information we hold digitally is password-protected on secure servers. Your written information, when not in a therapy session, will be locked in a secure location.

We usually keep personal information for 3 years. This is in case we need to use it again in the future, for example, if you wish to return for additional therapy. If you would not like us to keep your personal information for this long, you can request that we delete it sooner.

You can request access to your personal information

You have the right to request a copy of your personal information. We have the right to charge a small fee for providing this (purely to cover the costs).

We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may request that we update your personal information, or change any inaccuracies.

You can request that we delete your personal information

You always have the right to request that we delete your information. This is called the 'right to be forgotten'. You can contact us directly at any time to request this.

Any more questions?

Do you have any further questions about how we collect and use your information?

If so, send an email to: [email protected]

We will always be happy to discuss your questions in more detail.

Psychological Therapy in Kent

We provide psychology and psychiatric services that aim to treat a range of mental health, psychological and neurodevelopmental difficulties.